European Tournament 2013

As you may know or not, this year European Tournament in penspinning is organised. Credits goes to Nashi and Yaemgo from FPSB. I think we can call it first unofficial European Championship.
Pens Factory supports this idea and as a sponsor gives gifts for podium spinners as follows:

Prize 1:
prize1Prize 2:


Prize 3:prize2
Now it is group stage, and we can follow battles in this forum:

Priority of choice goes to champion and then to 2nd place.

Pen Spinning Notation

Pen Spinning Notation

Shoeman6, moderator of international pen spinning board created very interesting site about pen spinning notation which was the effect of survey. What is pen spinning notation? In short it is writing out every trick that make up combo, with a rotation, and the way of execution so that another spinner can execute combo in the same way. Notation helps to share ideas throught various penspinners.

On this site we will find history of notation, where first it was used, what makes up notation, how pen spinners use it to their goals. Furthermore there is long podcast with one of the most famous precursors of US pen spinning – David Weiss. Shoeman published also results from survey conducted in penspinners on UPSB forums. Question was, how do they use notation. On the end results were gathered and conclusion was drawn.